Covered schoolyard..

Posted by
Thea (Leeuwarden, Netherlands) on 1 November 2009 in Miscellaneous and Portfolio.

It rained from the tree's today:)

Thank you all for visiting my page and for the time you took to write your comments!

©Thea. all rights reserved.
Please do not use my pictures in any form,downloaded or reproduced without my permission.

thami from Morocco

Quelle douceur automnale émane de ton image ! Bon traitement qui en accentue l'effet !
Bon dimanche lumineux!

1 Nov 2009 8:08am

Anina from Auckland, New Zealand

Beautiful shot, Thea. I like the sepia tones. Great framing.

1 Nov 2009 8:51am

@Anina: Thank you! Glad you like the sepia :}

mascha from kootstertille, Netherlands

Mooie kleur en lijnenspel en perspectief!!
Fijne dag, gr.Mascha

1 Nov 2009 9:55am

@mascha: Dank je wel..maakt een regenachtige dag weer goed :)

FotoAnna from Netherlands

Je hebt heel mooi de sfeer vastgelegd !!
Prachtig dat beetje sepia... mooie herfst opname !
Lieve ZONdag groetjes van Anna

1 Nov 2009 10:37am

@FotoAnna: Dank je wel!
(Hier is het meer een regendag :))

daniela scharnowski from Berlin, Germany

The sepia toning is a good choice I think - and the compositioin with different layers ( branches, trees, playground, building) is good too!

1 Nov 2009 12:03pm

@daniela scharnowski: Thank you..I had my doubts,about B&W or this..but i wanted it a bit soft.

k@ from Paris, France

The pinkish sepia tone brings so much light - very delicate

1 Nov 2009 1:06pm

MARIANA from Waterloo, Canada

Beautiful processing . Great toning !

1 Nov 2009 1:44pm

Marilla from Turku, Finland

This sight is full of harmony - I love it! Beautiful processing.

1 Nov 2009 3:33pm

@Marilla: Thank you..(still have to get used to psp.) but this worked.

Tracy from La Selva Beach, United States

Beautiful! I love the monochrome you made, and the shadows are great!

1 Nov 2009 4:22pm

@Tracy: Thank you very much!

marc battault from clermont ferrand, France

a real nice and poetic athmosphere !
kiss !

1 Nov 2009 4:50pm

vincent from Paris, France

Nice sepia photo, I feel like making a time journey...

1 Nov 2009 5:27pm

Christel from Köln, Germany

Good evening, Thea
I like the tone of this recording very well. It looks a bit softer than black and white. A very nice presentation.
Dear greetings Christel

1 Nov 2009 7:04pm

apple8 from Dublin, Ireland

Great choice of tone. I ike the way the long shadows dissect the frame. Good viewpoint with nice framing

2 Nov 2009 12:43am

@apple8: Thank you very much!

Pawn from Den Haag, Netherlands

Gaaf antiek sfeertje!

4 Nov 2009 11:44pm